Mail Merge Closing Unexpectedly

When working through the Mail Merge process, if you are experiencing an issue where the program will close before the process can be completed, there are a few reasons for this that we can correct.  The most common reason is if there are special formatting or images in the Microsoft Word® file.

Document Formatting 

  • Recreate the Microsoft Word® file with minimal formatting.
  • Ensure any images are not anchored to the page. 

Client ID Merge Field

The .CSV file now includes a column for ClientId when using Mail Merge.

Adding a ClientId field to your Word® document will result in two columns in the .CSV file. There can only be one column for ClientId. The .CSV file should be edited to remove one of the duplicate columns.

The column header must be named ClientId. If any other variation is used, the ClientId will not be displayed in the Signatures Report.

Software Updates

Ensure MailMerge, Word®, and Office® are all up to date. 

Consider running a repair on Office® if updating does not correct the issue. 

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