Signature Settings

The Settings menu allows firm administrators to update and save global default settings for Signatures.

Please note:

Only System Administrators have access to the Settings section.


Automated Reminders

A firm-wide default for automated signing reminders can be selected here. The signer will receive a reminder based on the selected time frame until the signing is completed, the document is canceled, or the item is deleted.
  1. Check the Enable Automatic Signing Reminders box to enable this feature. 
  2. Click the Send Signing Reminder every. . .  drop-down to select a reminder timeframe. 

Signature Document Type

A document type must be selected to process a Signature item. Default document types can be added. 

  1. Click Add to Add Document Type OR
  2. Click the Edit button. 
  3. Type a Value into the document type field. 
    • This will be the value the processor sees when uploading, and the value the signer sees. 
  4. Click the File Expiration drop-down to select a default expiration date for the document type. 
  5. Click the Activate checkbox to allow users to start using the document type. 
  6. Click Add or Save


You can turn on Sender Delegation for users to send documents for signature on your behalf.  This setting allows senders to send documents but displays the sender's name as another user.

For a detailed guide on delegation, see the Sender Delegation article. 

Setting Description
Sender Delegation

Allow users to choose who can and cannot select them as a sender

Automatically Delegate to Everyone Allow users to choose who can and cannot select them as a sender
Mandate Client ID
Toggle this option to On to enforce all new requests to include a Client ID. This will apply to batches sent through Mail Merge as well. 

Manadate Client ID.png

Client Instructions

This section will allow you to add/customize the verbiage in the notifications sent to the recipient.

  1. Click the Add to add a new template OR
  2. Click Edit to edit the existing template.
    • The message must be selected in the left panel first. 
  3. Enter the Name of the template.
  4. Enter the verbiage for the body of the template.
  5. Click to expand the Show Variables List to include fields in the message that will automatically fill with relevant taxpayer data.
  6. Check Set as Default to make this the default template for all documents.
  7. Click Add or Save

Message Description
Review and Sign Reminder This is the reminder email sent per the settings for Automated Reminders in the General settings. 
Download E-Sign Forms This email is delivered once all parties have signed the document. 
Saved Message

This section will allow you to add/customize the verbiage that appears in the Initial Email that is sent for a new document. 

Please note:

Only 1 message can be used as the default. This can not be changed per document. 
  1. Click the Add to add a new template OR
  2. Click the Edit tool to edit an existing message.
    • The message must be selected in the left panel first. 
  3. Enter Saved Message details.
  4. Check Allow users to edit before sending to allow users to edit the saved message before delivering the document. 
  5. Check Set as Default to make this message the default for all documents during processing.
  6. Click Save


Default Access Options

Set Access settings determine the default for who is and is not allowed to view documents after delivery. Administrators will be allowed to view all documents, regardless of settings. 

Setting Description 
Everyone Click the radio button to allow all users to see documents on the Delivered report.
Individual User Click the radio button to allow only the user who uploaded the return to view it on the Delivered report. 
Allow user to set additional access to other users before delivery Click the checkbox to allow the uploader to change the access settings before/after delivery. 

Authentication Options

Enable or disable authentication, create authentication questions, and determine if users can add questions during processing. 

  1. Toggle the Signer Authentication option to enable authentication for document recipients. 
  2. Click Add to add a new authentication question users can select during processing OR
  3. Click the Edit tool to edit an existing question. 
    • The question must be selected in the left panel first. 
  4. Enter Security Question Details.
  5. Check Set as Default to make this the default security question. 
  6. Click Save
  7. Check Allow users to add new questions while processing button to allow users to add unique authentication questions. 

Signer Delegation

  1. Toggle Signer Delegation to On, to allow signers to delegate someone else to sign on their behalf. 

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