The purpose of all of the Bulk Action Icons in the Delivered section, as well as when and how to use them are outlined below. This reporting section displays all documents that have been delivered to the client but have not been archived.
One or more documents can be edited at the same time using the Bulk Action Icons. To select more items than what is on the current page:
- Click the Select All checkbox.
- Select click here in the blue information box.
- Click the Page drop-down to change the number of items that appear per page.
You can restrict access to any document to the users of your choice. This can also be edited before delivery during processing. See our Send for Signature article for more information.
- Check the box to the left of the client's name.
- Click Set Access.
- Drag and drop users from Users with Access Rights to Available Users to restrict access to the document.
- Drag and drop users from the Available Users column to the Users with Access Rights to grant them access to the document.
- If there are no user rights restrictions, Everyone will appear under the Users with Access Rights column.
- Click Save to confirm any changes.
You can manually send a reminder to the client so that they can sign their document(s). The reminder email is delivered immediately. You can also adjust scheduled automated reminders. These options are only available for documents that have not been signed.
Send Reminder Now
- Check the box to the left of the client's name.
- Click Send Reminder above.
- Click the Send Reminder Now tab.
- A red warning appears if automated reminders are enabled.
- Click Send.
Schedule Automated Reminder
- Check the box to the left of the client's name.
- Click Send Reminder above.
- Click the Schedule Automated Reminder tab.
- Click the Signing Reminder toggle on or off.
- Click the Send Signing Reminder drop-down to select a reminder time frame (if reminders are turned on).
- Click Save to save any changes made.
Please note:
Only documents in an E-Signed status can be downloaded.
- Check the box to the left of the client's name.
- Click Download.
- Click the file name to download that document only OR
- Click Download All to download all listed documents into a .ZIP file.
You can move completed documents to help keep your Delivered section more organized (recommended). Archiving a document does not disable reminders to sign or restrict client access to signed documents. Expired documents are automatically archived.
- Check the box to the left of the client's name.
- Click Archive above.
- Click Confirm to move the document to the Archive Reports section.
You can restore a document from the Archive Reports section if necessary.
- Navigate to the Archive in the left panel.
- Check the box to the left of the client's name.
- Click Restore above.
- Click Confirm to move the document back to the Delivered section.
When a document is deleted it is placed into the Recycle Bin, where it can either be restored or permanently deleted. Clients cannot access items in the Recycle Bin or deleted items. Permanent deletion is not recommended.
- Check the box to the left of the client's name.
- Click the Delete button above.
- Click Confirm to delete the document(s).
You can restore a document from the Recycle Bin section if necessary.
- Navigate to the Recycle Bin in the left panel.
- Check the box to the left of the client's name.
- Click the Restore button above.
- Click Yes to restore the document(s).
This does not update the location for other delivered items.- Check the box to the left of the client's name.
- Click Change Office Location.
- Select the new Office Location.
- Select a new Contact Person for the document.
- Click Continue.
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